
Mass Notification System

Mass Notification System for Vital Customer Communications

A mass notification system and paging system is a vital component of business operations for many industries including airlines, rail lines, sports stadiums and amusement parks, to name a few. These systems must provide easily understandable communications...

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Audio Visual Systems To Make Your Message Loud and Clear

Audio visual systems are such a normal part of everyday life that we don’t often think about them. That is, until they don’t work properly! There is nothing worse than getting up in front of a group of colleagues to speak, only to find that the audio...

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Acoustical Consulting

Acoustical Consulting Firm Can Make Your Space Sound Amazing!

Acoustical consulting, which is sometimes referred to as acoustical engineering, is the management of sound.  There are several elements involved in this work, including room acoustics, architectural acoustics, and noise control. Avant Acoustics provides...

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avant acoustics welcome

AVANT Acoustics – Leading Acoustical & Audio Visual Design Consulting Company in the United States

Welcome all who visit our website! AVANT Acoustics hopes you find us to be informative, entertaining, and useful. You have many choices when surfing online for an acoustics / audio visual design company and we want you to choose us with confidence. Our...

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Rehearsal Room Acoustics

Rehearsal room acoustics often require close attention and specific acoustical characteristics. As a veteran choral musician, I have performed in a variety of venues, from a dedicated performing arts center to a gymnatorium, from a standard classroom...

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Sound masking systems in open offices

Successful Office Sound Masking Systems

Successful office sound masking systems help ensure sensitive communications are not overheard. Plus, they reduce the noise distractions and interruptions that impact productivity. Along with sound absorption and attenuation, architects use sound masking...

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Hearing Clearly: The Acoustics of Glass

As glass has become more sophisticated, its popularity as a building material has grown. Curtain walls, demountable glass partitions, and skylights all offer ways to capitalize on natural light, views, and transparency. But glass has a few inherent acoustical...

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For the second time in as many years, a bill [S. 3385] has been introduced in the Senate to reestablish an Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC) in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  The bill is sponsored by Sen. Schumer, a Democrat from...

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avant acoustic welcome

Acoustical Trivia

Need something to wow that special someone at a holiday party, or the in-laws at your family gathering? Check out these interesting facts about our favorite subject: sound!   Properties of Sound Have you heard that you can figure out how far...

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Case Study: Major Changes Without a Major Overhaul

As facilities age, their sound reinforcement and AV systems age with them. Routine maintenance and proper care can go a long way toward extending the life of a system.  However, once a system is no longer reliable, replacement is necessary and inevitable. ...

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