
Fitness Center Acoustics

Fitness center acoustics and noise issues have been the subject of numerous AVANT ACOUSTICS projects over the years. The hard surfaces and loud activity make the perfect storm of noise. As a result, people within the fitness center often cannot communicate...

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Operable Partition Acoustical Considerations

Addressing operable partition acoustical considerations helps ensure the success of a flexible space. With facility needs evolving, the demand for easily reconfigurable spaces continues to increase. Operable partitions allow the temporary subdivision...

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Top 10 Ways to Ensure Good Acoustics Before Breaking Ground!

10. Isolate any equipment that moves. No one likes to feel the floor moving under their feet whether it is caused by an earthquake or because that pump next door just kicked on. [caption id="attachment_2324" align="alignright" width="300"] Equipment...

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Noise Control in Sensitive Areas

Noise control in sensitive areas must be considered when designing a space requiring privacy and security.  Hospitals and clinics, government buildings, and even private offices all deserve this consideration. This article discusses noise control techniques...

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Protect Your Hearing (What Did You Say?)

The National Institutes of Health indicates that nearly 20% of adults in the United States have some trouble hearing. Nearly 30 million adults have hearing loss severe enough to benefit from hearing aids! Although hearing assistance systems can benefit...

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Acoustics FAQs

Answering questions about acoustics and audio-visual systems is one of the things that we at AVANT ACOUSTICS love to do! We would like to share a few answers to acoustical questions that come up rather often. If you have any questions, please pick up...

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Speech Intelligibility

If you have ever heard a speaker, teacher, or public announcement that sounded like Charlie Brown’s teacher, you know the importance of speech intelligibility. It is essential for a speaker’s message to reach its audience, for a teacher's class to...

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digital mixing console

AVANT’s Guide to Digital Mixing

Digital mixing consoles allow us to digitize analog audio signals to combine, process, and transport audio like never before, and at a price point that has made them attainable on any budget. They have quickly replaced the old analog consoles of many...

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AVANT’s Guide to Acoustical Barriers

Acoustical barriers can reduce noise from outside sources, such as roadways and railways, or from mechanical equipment, such as HVAC systems or vacuums. The following guide will discuss the requirements for effective sound barriers.   Construction...

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Generator mechanical noise control

Mechanical Noise Control Tips

Mechanical noise control helps keep a facility's HVAC systems and equipment from creating acoustically undesirable environments. While each project offers unique sound-related challenges, we're happy to provide some tips that apply to many spaces.    [caption...

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