For the second time in as many years, a bill [S. 3385] has been introduced in the Senate to reestablish an Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC) in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The bill is sponsored by Sen. Schumer, a Democrat from New York. In the 1970s, an ONAC was established under the EPA, but funding was taken away in 1982. Supporters of the bill reason that an ONAC would be beneficial because the many loud noise sources in our built-up environment can have either temporary or permanent negative effects on the citizens of the United States.
The most recent form of this bill, introduced in August of 2018, calls for $22 million (per year) to be appropriated to the EPA for re-establishing and operating the new ONAC. The ONAC’s responsibilities would include:
- Helping state and local governments with noise control through technical assistance and grants (including equipment purchase grants).
- Completing noise impact assessment research.
- Creating and distributing educational materials.
- Completing a study specifically related to airport noise, and the current monitoring and abatement programs effectiveness.
In addition, the bill calls for a study of airport noise to evaluate the effectiveness of current monitoring and abatement programs.
We at AVANT ACOUSTICS know noise affects different people in different ways. We also know how to help businesses and organizations with noise abatement for their own benefit – or for the benefit of their neighbors. Furthermore, if you’re a landlord, property manager, homeowner’s association, or local government considering introducing noise-related lease language, bylaws, or an ordinance to help keep the peace among neighbors (quite literally), we are happy to help! An acoustical consultant is ready discuss your noise concerns, so contact us today Or, leave a comment on this page on how you feel about this proposed legislation and/or how noise has affected you in today’s built-up environment.
For more information, read the full bill here.
This post was authored by AVANT ACOUSTICS President, Drew Siebert.