Bonner Springs High School Auditorium

  • Bonner Springs High School Auditorium

    Bonner Springs High School Auditorium

  • Bonner Springs High School Theater Acoustics

The Bonner Springs High School auditorium renovation updated both the form and the function of the auditorium, providing a refreshed performing space for the drama and music programs.

AVANT ACOUSTICS provided the following services:

  • Room acoustics consultation
  • Sound reinforcement system design
  • On-site system commissioning including user training

Project Highlights:

To meet the high school’s need for an excellent music performance space, AVANT ACOUSTICS worked closely with the architect to tailor the acoustics to be lively enough for musical performance, while still achieving a high degree of speech intelligibility. 

The loudspeaker distribution is designed to provide even coverage throughout the seating, without unwanted reflections off the walls.  The loudspeakers themselves are fully integrated into the ceiling system, and are hidden behind acoustically transparent fabric. 

The sound reinforcement system includes two modes of operation: a simplified mode where a handful of microphone inputs are automatically controlled without an operator, and a more complex mode that allows an operator full control of the system with the use of a digital mixing console. 

AVANT ACOUSTICS was able to design a system that met the school’s needs, while being mindful of the tight renovation budget. 

Location: Bonner Springs, KS
Facilities: Auditorium
Client: HTK Architects
Designer: John M. Hodgson


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