AVANT ACOUSTICS designers worked with Helix Architecture and leadership from the UMKC Conservatory to…
AVANT ACOUSTICS designers worked with Helix Architecture and leadership from the UMKC Conservatory to assist with the acoustical and audio-visual aspects of Grant Hall on the main campus in Kansas City, Missouri. When designing the back of house or stage area, there are many challenges to get incoming and outgoing sound perfect, because there are many moving parts backstage, curtains, scene changers, various lights and other equipment that requires design coordination between all of the subcontractors and the lead architect.
AVANT ACOUSTICS provided the following services:
Project Highlights:
Included in this project were the Olson Center of the Performing Arts Instrumental Rehearsal Room and Practice Rooms as well as the Grant Hall Multipurpose Theater. Special attention was given to the privacy of the practice rooms, so that musicians can hear only themselves and not disrupt others or be disrupted themselves.
Location: Kansas City, MO
Facilities: Higher Education / Performing Arts
Client: Helix Architects
Designer: John Hodgson, Andrew VonFeldt, David Wetzel
Central Community College has campuses in Grand Island, Columbus, and Hastings, Nebraska; and learnin…
Central Community College has campuses in Grand Island, Columbus, and Hastings, Nebraska; and learning centers in Holdrege, Kearney, and Lexington.
The purpose of this project was to create audio-video systems that enable distance learning between classrooms and select conference rooms at the three main campuses and at the learning centers.
AVANT ACOUSTICS provided the following services:
Project Highlights:
AVANT ACOUSTICS designed distance learning and conferencing systems that allowed automated functionality and ease-of-management with remote access control over the college network. All in-room functions were set up to work automatically with automatic microphone mixing and automatic camera tracking. This enables instructors to walk into the classroom and begin teaching without worrying about the AV technology.
The process of recording classes was also streamlined through implementation of an automated process. Video archiving and playback included both the speaker and presentation at full resolution with searchable metadata tags and user comments.
Location: Grand Island, NE
Facilities: Classrooms & Conference Rooms
Client: KRS Engineering
Designer: Robert G. Ledo
The Christopher S. Bond Learning Center is a 40,000-square-foot addition to the Darr Agricultural Cen…
The Christopher S. Bond Learning Center is a 40,000-square-foot addition to the Darr Agricultural Center at Missouri State University. The Center provides students with state-of-the-art classrooms and laboratory spaces, as well as a large event and banquet space that can be used by the Springfield community.
AVANT ACOUSTICS provided the following services:
Project Highlights:
AVANT ACOUSTICS designed instructional technology systems for:
The banquet hall can be subdivided by the use of operable partitions into as many as six meeting spaces, with system control through wall-mounted and wireless touchpanels.
The systems for all of these spaces may be remotely accessed and controlled for maintenance, troubleshooting, and user assistance from anywhere on the campus network.
Location: Springfield, MO
Facilities: Banquet Hall, Classrooms & Conferences Spaces
Client: Missouri State University
Designer: Robert G. Ledo
The Center for Health Promotions and Partnerships at the University of North Carolina in Asheville in…
The Center for Health Promotions and Partnerships at the University of North Carolina in Asheville includes academic classrooms, labs, and studios, as well as the Kimmel Arena, a 3,400-seat multipurpose arena that supports the University’s basketball programs.
AVANT ACOUSTICS provided the following services:
Project Highlights:
AVANT ACOUSTICS’ design included full in-house audio and video production capabilities for game day and other live events. Infrastructure and connections are available throughout the facility to support remote broadcast and other third-party productions.
Kimmel Arena’s experience is highlighted by a central loudspeaker cluster, two large LED video boards, and a centrally hung four-sided scoreboard providing patrons with sights, sounds, and game day information.
Location: Asheville, NC
Facilities: Academic & Sports Facilities
Client: Bowers, Ellis & Watson Architects
Lenexa, KS
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